sgs sabha charitable trust - speeches & messages

Speech of Mr. K.R. Shenai at the Inaugural Function

Our esteemed Chief Guest Sunil Kumar, Thirumathi Poonam Sunil, Thirumathi Radha Mahale, our Managing Trustee U. Prabhakar Rao, President of the parent organization SGS Sabha K.R. Kamath, Members of the Board of Trustees, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Martin Luther King spoke of a dream. “He spoke of a dream he had”. I speak of a dream fulfilled. What was the dream?. Who had the dream?. How has it been fulfilled?.

For years, scores of members of the SGS Sabha, members in India and members abroad have been asking for a Old Age Home. The Managing Committee of the SGS Sabha is to be congratulated for their collective and selfless efforts on getting up this Home.

It has been written and it has been said that “Truth is stranger than fiction”. Here is an illustration, a live illustration. Our 92-year old Sabha, SGS Sabha, with its outstanding and unsurpassed record of social work in the fields of education, health care and poverty had been thinking of more avenues of social work. For this a Charitable Trust was formed in 2003 and I am privileged to be a member. Soon the Trust identified an Old Age Home as a felt need. We looked for land or a building within the City and we looked on the outskirts. Neither land nor building was available and the Project got deferred and deferred. Many like me were even beginning to wonder whether an Old Age Home will come up in our life time.

Here came the Dr. K.P. Mahale Trust. Dr. K.P. Mahale, a common man’s Physician with a qualified Pharmacist wife Thirumathi Radha Mahale, happily with us this evening, were very popular in this Ayanavaram and Perambur areas and even further a field for their effective medications and compassion for their patients mostly poor. The Mahales set up the Mahale Trust in 1965 to institutionalize their work. Dr. K.P. Mahale passed away in 1997 at age 81. The Mahale Trust - Radha Mahale and her daughters - then started looking for some responsible and respected institution with like minded objectives to make over the property and further its humanitarian objectives and work.

If I may quote another saying “the situation throws up the man”. Our Sabha was looking for a suitable venue for an Old Age Home and Dr. Mahale Trust for another suitable Trust to make over.

At this juncture, crucial juncture, K.R. Baliga, earlier of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, and currently Hon. Treasurer of the SGS Sabha, came up as the Architect of the merger and our Managing Trustee Prabhakar Rao and Treasurer Arjuna Pai worked out all legal requirements and the High Court of Madras was pleased to approve the merger in March 2004. C.J. Nayak, Hon. Secretary, SGS Sabha, popularly known as Ranjan and his team of dedicated colleagues in the Managing Committee are the builders who put the works together to make this Home, this beautiful reality that you see before you.

Right from India achieving independence in 1947 the Police have been under instruction, repeated instruction, to be helpful to the public, particularly the common man. Tamil Nadu Police, as in many other respects, is in the forefront, right in the forefront in complying with this instruction.

Way back in 1956, Mrs. Parvathi Rajaratnam, the wife of the Inspector General of Police, joined Padmabhushan Mary Clubwala Jadhav, the founder President of the Guild of Service - India’s foremost Social Service Agency. In August 1956, a fete was organized by the Guild of Service and the Chennai Police at the SIAA grounds. The net proceeds of that fete was the genesis of the Tamil Nadu State Police Benevolent Fund and I was its Secretary. It is, therefore, apt and proper that today we have a senior Police Officer for inaugurating this Home.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sunil Kumar, Joint Commissioner of Police, Central, sits and works, works effectively, from the first floor of the Commissionerate at Egmore, a floor on which I sat and like to believe also worked 48 years back 1956 - 1958 as Dy. Commissioner, Crime. For some time now Sunil Kumar stands a step higher holding the higher post, Joint commissioner - midway to that of Commissioner which post also I was privileged to hold 34 years back with the love and affection of the people of Chennai for over 4 years 1971-75 on the way to the top as Director General, Tamil Nadu 1979. May Sunil Kumar do equally well. May he do even better.

Old Age Homes have come to stay. In the coming months and years there will be a demand, a growing demand for more and more homes, homes at different income and different satisfaction levels. I have no doubt, that our Sabha Management and staff, our all-time asset, strongest asset will rise to meet the demand.

I wish the Home all the best.

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