SGS SABHA activities - medical camps

Sixth Cardiac Review Camp, along with Diabetic Screening, in association with Obstetric Dept. of Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital was conducted for the underprivileged section of our community on 16th & 17th March 2019. A total of 97 persons attended the camp and were screened. On 16th March, Height, Weight and Blood Pressure were recorded for the beneficiaries followed by Complete Blood Count, Fasting Blood Sugar, Blood Urea, Serum Creatinine, Lipid Profile investigations. Two hours after breakfast blood was taken for post prandial blood sugar investigation. ECG, Ultrasound Scan of the abdomen and Echo were also performed. On 17th March all the beneficiaries were examined with the results and advised suitable treatment. Cardiologists and Diabetologists of Sri Ramachandra Hospitals examined the patients. They were given medicines free of cost for two weeks and B-Complex was supplied for one month. Nutritional specialists talked to the patients on an individual basis and advised diet. All the volunteers and beneficiaries were provided with breakfast and lunch on both days. A total of `1,29,249 was spent on this medical camp. We thank all volunteers for their active involvement in supporting the medical team and helping the beneficiaries right from the beginning till the end of the camp.






The Managing Committee, in association with Obstetric Dept. of Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital conducted third Women’s Wellness Screening Camp on 20th & 21st July 2019 for the benefit of the economically weaker section of the community. A Mammogram had been arranged at Sri Ramachandra Medical College Hospital on 17th, 18th & 19th July in which 45 ladies attended. They were picked and dropped at the Sabha and provided break-fast and lunch packets. On 20th all investigations like CBC, Blood Pressure, Fasting & postprandial blood sugar, ECG, Ultra Sound Scan, Thyroid function, PAP smear, Bone Density were made. On 21st July 2019 all the beneficiaries were examined with the results. The Nutritional Specialists interacted with the beneficiaries regarding nutritional requirements and the supplements. The beneficiaries were given relevant medicines for two weeks. On both days break-fast and lunch were provided for all the beneficiaries and volunteers. This Women’s Wellness programme was fully co-ordinated by our lady volunteers and only they were allowed to the examining centre in the Sabha premises. A total of 51 ladies were screened during the Camp. Rs.1,03,892 was spent on this camp. .




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