sgs sabha charitable trust - speeches & messages

Message from Dr. K.R. Baliga

Dr. K.R. Baliga
654, Palisade Drive,
Mt. Pleasant,


Congratulations and Best Wishes from all of us. I am very glad that the SGS Sabha is opening an Old Age Home today.

I Remember the early years of the SGS Sabha when great persons like V.N. Kudva, ICS, Dr. Keshav Pai, OBE and Mizar Ananth Pai guided its affairs. One of the first projects of the Sabha was giving loan scholarships to poor students who studied well in school but could not pursue studies in Law, Medical and Engineering, etc. for want of money. The Sabha used to hold only one function at that time and that was “Reception for the New Graduates”.

J.S.Prabhu of Parry and Co. became Secretary and collected money to purchase land and built a hall which was originally meant for Graduates’ Reception. Then it became a hall for marriage ceremonies. Then followed the dining hall and kitchen. This got the Sabha good income and the Sabha later decided not to recover the scholarships paid to students. It was hoped that the students when they got good employment would contribute to the Sabha so that more students could benefit in turn.

Looking back it seems to me that the SGS Sabha has been such a wonderful support to the community in all aspects. The children had their day when the Annual Social was celebrated on Pongal day: the educational encouragement to the youth was by awarding scholarships. The adults always had their social get togethers and interactions at all the festivals such as Ganesh Chaturthi which was performed on a fantastic scale getting bigger and better every year. The religious aspect was taken care of by having pujas, festivals, upanayanams and weddings at the hall. Now the evening stage of life is being covered by the opening of this Old Age Home. The Sabha has indeed come full circle in satisfying the needs of all stages of life of the community.

We all appreciate the hard work done by the committee to carry on the mission of the SGS Sabha and to keep on improving and making things happen in a dynamic manner. We wish all success to the Old Age Home being inaugurated today and to all other charitable projects which the Trust may undertake in future.

I thank the Trust for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this great effort.

By E-mail received on 11-04-2005

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